Difference Between Restore and Recharge in Health Insurance

In the ever-evolving landscape of health insurance, providers continuously introduce new features and plans to cater to diverse needs. Among these, the "restore" and "recharge" options have garnered significant attention. While both features aim to extend the benefits of health insurance coverage, they operate differently and serve distinct purposes. Understanding these differences is crucial for policyholders to make informed decisions about their health insurance plans.

Recharge in Health Insurance

The term "recharge" in health insurance refers to the ability to replenish the insured amount within a policy year after it has been exhausted. Typically, policyholders are allowed to claim a specific insured sum annually. If multiple claims are made within a single year, the insured amount might be depleted before the year concludes. In such scenarios, the recharge feature becomes invaluable.

Benefits of the Recharge Feature

1. Full Reinstatement: The recharge feature allows policyholders to fully reinstate their insured amount, regardless of previous or pending health claims. This means that even before the year ends, the entire sum insured can be claimed again if necessary.

2. Unchanged Annual Plan: Utilizing the recharge feature does not alter the annual policy plan. Upon renewal in the following year, the policyholder’s plan limits remain unchanged.

3. Continuous Coverage: This feature ensures that policyholders have uninterrupted access to their full insured amount, providing a safety net against unforeseen health crises.


Restore in Health Insurance

The "restore" feature in health insurance is designed to refill the claimable amount up to the basic sum insured when it has been entirely utilized, including any additional bonuses. This feature is activated only under specific conditions.

Benefits of the Restore in Health Insurance

1. Automatic Activation: Once the insured amount is fully exhausted, the restore feature automatically refills the sum insured. This provides policyholders with another chance to claim insurance within the same year.

2. Coverage for New Claims: The restored amount can only be used for new claims that differ from the initial claim made earlier in the year. This ensures that the policy is safeguarded against future distinct health events.

3. 100% Sum Restoration: Policyholders receive 100% of the assured sum once the restore feature is activated, ensuring they are well-protected for the rest of the policy year.

Key Differences Between Restore and Recharge in Health Insurance

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Recharge in Health Insurance

Restore in Health Insurance


The full assured sum can be claimed at any point in the year.

The restore feature can only be claimed once the assured amount is fully exhausted.


The entire sum can be claimed again if another health crisis occurs within the same year.

The restored sum can only be claimed for a different cause than the previous claim.


The recharge sum is available until the end of the year.

The restored sum is available after the second claim.


No hospitalization costs need to be borne by the policyholder for using the recharge sum.

Hospitalization costs might be incurred if a second claim happens before the assured sum is exhausted.



Both the restore and recharge features in health insurance provide valuable benefits, ensuring that policyholders have adequate coverage throughout the year. The recharge feature is ideal for those who anticipate multiple health crises within a single year, offering flexibility and continuous coverage. On the other hand, the restore feature is beneficial for policyholders who seek protection against distinct, successive health events. By understanding these differences, policyholders can choose the feature that best aligns with their health insurance needs, ensuring comprehensive and uninterrupted coverage.

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